
Liquid Web vs Nexcess: Which One Is Best For You?

Are you confused between Liquid Web and Nexcess hosting about which one to choose for your business?

Then, you are in the right place.

Liquid Web and Nexcess are the top web hosting providers in the market and performing well over the years.

Do you know Nexcess is a part of the Liquid web hosting brand?

Nexcess was bought by Liquid Web in 2013, both web hosting offers different kinds of plans.

Both hosting together serving over 500000 websites across the globe.

While lots of plans are available for us to choose from, but the question is which one to choose and which one is perfect for my business?

In this Liquid Web Vs Nexcess web hosting comparison article, you will find the difference between those two web hosting, features, pricing, pros, and cons. 

At the end of this article, you will get an idea of which hosting is best for you.

Liquid Web vs Nexcess hosting

Let’s see a quick comparison of Liquid Web vs Nexcess hosting.

Liquid Web
Web hosting
Web hosting, Domains, and SSL certificates
Starting from 15$/month
Starting from 19$/month
99.999% (almost 100%)
Free email,CDN,SSL certificated
Daily backups
Free migration
Money-back guarantee
Applies to specific plans

Also refer the below infographic,

Liquid Web vs Nexcess comparison

Liquid Web hosting:

Liquid Web is well known for its VPS hosting and dedicated hosting services, with over 10 data centers around the world and advanced hosting features, they manage to give customers an ultra-speed,  highly secured website with excellent support.

They mainly focus on enterprises, agencies, developers and they do not provide shared web hosting.

Liquid Web hosting

Are you confused between Liquid Web and Nexcess hosting about which one to choose for your business🚀 ? #LiquidWeb #Nexcess

Reasons to consider Liquid Web hosting:

After lots of research about Liquid Web, we have found some top reasons to consider this hosting. here, they are,

Lots of plans to choose from:

The first thing that attracted me to Liquid Web hosting is its plans, lots of plans are available for small businesses to agencies and enterprises, they can easily find perfect and suitable hosting for them, and even they do have hosting plans for the healthcare industry.

Some of the plans of the Liquid Web are,

  1. Managed dedicated server hosting
  2. Managed VPS hosting
  3. Cloud dedicated server hosting
  4. High availability Database hosting
  5. HIPAA hosting
Excellent speed and great support:

Speed and support are important ones while choosing web hosting, most hosting offers good speed, but fails to give good support.

Here at Liquid Web, they are giving great speed and support.

The test conducted by cloud spectator shows that Liquid Web VPS hosting is faster than AWS, Rackspace, Digital ocean.

With powerful servers, their hosting is 200% faster than other managed VPS hosting providers.

We also tested Liquid Web VPS hosting by importing a complex starter site template, it manages to score 880ms even without cdn setup and speed optimization.

In addition, we can enhance the speed of the website with a dedicated IP address and CDN that Liquid Web offers for free.

When it comes to support, you can contact them anytime via phone, live chat, email, their response rate is super fast.

Outstanding security:

Liquid Web offers lots of security features like,

  • Standard DDoS Attack Protection – It protects your server from Distributed Denial-Of-Service (DDoS) attacks by monitoring in real-time. so that you will be able to mitigate the incoming threats.
  • Integrated Firewall – It acts as the first line of defense and protects your website from malicious traffic.
  • Standard ServerSecure Advanced Security – It further optimizes your security settings.
  • Dedicated IP address – Enhances your website speed and security with a secured dedicated IP address

In addition to this, with SSL security and Cloudflare CDN, we can even increase our website security even more.

Your website is safe from hackers because of these advanced security features until you upload null themes or plugins on your wordpress website that are bought from 3rd party websites.

Root access:

The reason most people choose VPS hosting, cloud servers, or dedicated hosting is that they want more control over their server.

With administration level for logging into your server, It gives you the ability to take full control of your server, after that you can do anything you wish like, multiple website hosting, issue commands, and more.

Dedicated IP address:

Most people are not aware of dedicated IP ( internet protocol ).

Let me explain what a dedicated IP address means.

Assume It like a phone number, we all know one phone number is for one person.

The same concept applies here, you will get a unique phone number ( i.e IP address ) for your website.

Not all web hosting gives a dedicated IP address, in shared hosting, you have to share your server resources with 100 or more people.

That leads to the same IP address for all 100 people, that’s why shared hosting is the cheapest form of hosting.

So, what is the use of dedicated IP?

While with shared IP, you have to worry about speed, because all people in your server use the same IP and access the website through that IP which leads to slow site speed.

And also one main thing when someone’s website is hacked by hackers, there are high chances that hackers will hack your website.

Because you are all using the same server ( IP address ).

But with a secured dedicated IP address, you no longer need to worry about site speed and the security of your website.

Refer below image also,

ip address working process

How is my example?

99.999 % uptime guarantee:

It is the amount of time your website is accessible online by the public, choosing a web hosting with greater uptime is essential, else, you will lose lots of traffic to your website and valuable customers.

Though many web hosting providers offer a 99% or 99.9% uptime guarantee, the Liquid Web delivers 99.999% uptime, almost gives 100% uptime for most months in a year.

There are chances that your website is not accessible on the internet for around 5.26 mins only in a year.

No web hosting provider can’t give a 100% uptime guarantee all the time, because it is almost impossible.

It is due to natural disasters, maintenance of servers, or security threats like this.


While choosing web hosting, the one thing I look for is the scalability of the web hosting.

Once our website starts to get high traffic, we want to scale our hosting to handle that traffic surge.

Though migrating a website to another hosting isn’t a big deal, but, in my opinion, sticking with one good web hosting provider is great.

Then, we can concentrate only on our business development rather than concentrating on hosting.

Here, at Liquid Web, you can scale your hosting by adding extra resources, ram, CPU, disk storage, and system memory at any time you wish.

Freebies (email,ssl,cdn,migration):

Business email – Liquid Web provides a business email for your website at no extra cost, business email is necessary for any online business.

It gives a professional look to your business, also it attracts people and increases brand awareness.

You can create an email like ( founder@yourwebsite.com ) and manage your business emails in a Liquid Web control panel.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) –  SSL makes your website safe by securing transactions, data transfer, log-in of your websites.

Without this, your customers and visitors are at high risk, Google doesn’t want things to happen like this to your customers or visitors.

So that they have included HTTPS as a ranking factor, Google encourages website owners to move their website from HTTP to HTTPS.

You can’t probably rank in search engine result pages (SERPs) without having SSL.

Fortunately, you will get a  free SSL for your website at Liquid Web.

Cloudflare CDN –  Cloudflare will save a cached version of your website in their database nearest to your website visitor location, with that, they can experience good speed and also it enhances the security of your website.

It’s also free, you can enable it right from your Liquid Web control panel.

MigrationDo you want to move your website to Liquid Web hosting?

Then, you don’t have to worry about migration, Liquid Web will migrate your website with the help of their dedicated expert team.

While companies like Bluehost charge 150$ for migration, here, Liquid Web manages to give it for free for new server orders.

Liquid Web pricing:

Liquid Web offers lots of plans, the cheapest one is VPS hosting that starts from 15$/month.

And they haven’t named their plans like a pro, premium.

They simply named their hosting plans like 2 GB ram,4 GB Ram…

Here, I will share the pricing of VPS hosting only,

The below table refers to the pricing of Liquid Web VPS hosting ( Linux ).

2 GB Ram
4 GB Ram
8 GB Ram
16 GB Ram
Disk Space
100 GB SSD
150 GB SSD
200 GB SSD
2 vCPU
4 vCPU
8 vCPU
8 vCPU
10 TB
10 TB
10 TB
10 TB
Off server backups
Unlimited websites
Free CDN & Email
Dedicated IP
Root access

Liquid Web also offers VPS hosting with a Windows server, which starts from 54$/month

For other plans, pricing and specs, check their official website.

The prices I mentioned in the table apply for 2 years of web hosting purchase only, otherwise, the price will change.

Pros and Cons:

Nexcess hosting:

Nexcess is a part of the Liquid Web brand that offers several hosting plans like Managed wordpress hosting, Managed Woocommerce hosting, Managed magneto hosting and, cloud hosting with advanced hosting features.

While Liquid web focussed on enterprises and agencies, here,nexcess focusses on CMS site development like wordpress, Magento…

And they do also offer domain registration, SSL certificates services.

Nexcess hosting

Reasons to consider Nexcess hosting:

Let’s see what features that Nexcess offers.

Amazing speed & Nexcess CDN:

Nexcess has powerful data centers around the world so, you can choose a data center nearest to your audience to experience ultimate speed.

In addition, they provide their very own Nexcess CDN on all plans, which is located in 22 different locations.

With advanced caching, we can experience ultra-fast website speed from anywhere in the world.


While Nexcess is a part of the brand Liquid Web hosting, Nexcess manages to give great security like Liquid Web offers.

Your website will be monitored by them 24/7, if any strange things happen, you will get an alert.

And also Nexcess is a PCI compliant hosting, with tightened network and data security procedures, your customer’s credit card data is safe.

Fully managed wordPress:

So, what is mean by managed wordpress hosting?

To put it simply, the hosting is specially made for wordpress websites to make it faster and fully secured.

Most of the administrative tasks like installing wordpress, plugins update, automated daily backups, server-level caching,wordpress core updates will be performed by hosting providers themselves.

And also, this type of hosting will provide high availability and excellent uptime.

Nexcess also offers fully managed woocommerce and magneto hosting.

Automatic daily backups:

Backup is an essential one, it will be helpful when you deleted any pages, posts unknowingly, with the backup you can restore it instantly anytime.

You don’t have to do anything, Nexcess automatically backs up your website daily.

Though many web hosting providers charge for backup, here Nexcess offers daily backup for free, it is included in all plans of Nexcess.

Free premium plugins:

Nexcess offers the best wordpress premium tools for free and, some of them are,

iThemes security pro – iThemes is the best security plugin for wordpress, even the free version of this plugin is more powerful, then think about the power of the pro version.

The actual cost of this plugin is 80$/year, but here at Nexcess, it’s free.

iThemes sync – If you are a freelancer, then this freebie will be more valuable for you, with this plugin, you can manage all your clients wordpress websites in one dashboard.

TinyPng Pro – Image optimization plays an important role in website development, for image optimization, TinyPng is one of the best plugins, it will help you to compress your PNG, WEBP, JPEG images 50% – 80% without losing their quality.

Qubely pro – It is a wordpress Gutenberg blocks plugin, you can create a completely nice-looking website with this plugin within minutes.

Full server access:

Nexcess also offers you full server access, the same feature offered by the liquid web.

It gives you an administrative level of control over your server to take full control of your server to perform some advanced tasks.

Staging site:

It is simply a private clone of your live website, you can use a staging environment to perform some tests on newly implemented features, or even to find bugs.

If everything is okay, then you can push the staging site to the production site where anyone can see your website.

Store builder and membership sites:

If you are looking to create an eCommerce site, then you should take a look at Nexcess WPQuickStart StoreBuilder.

You may be seen a lot of eCommerce stores on the internet, probably most stores will look the same in design.

With StoreBuilder, you can create a unique eCommerce store and start selling.

And With WPQuickStart membership sites, you can seamlessly create your own membership website.

It is also integrated with payment methods like PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, Braintree, 2Checkout.

Free trial and 30-day money-back guarantee:

The other best thing about Nexcess is you can try Nexcess hosting for 14 days for free without paying any bucks ( No credit card required).

And also they do offer 30 days money-back guarantee that applies to all plans of Nexcess.

How cool it is?

Still, are you waiting? 

Just try out the free trial of Nexcess hosting and experience the real power of managed wordpress hosting.

Nexcess pricing:

Nexcess also offers a variety of hosting plans like Liquid Web.

The plans offered by Nexcess are,

  1. Managed wordpress hosting
  2. Manged woocommerce hosting
  3. Managed magneto hosting
  4. WPQuickStart ( Membership sites and Storebuilder)

The below table refers to the pricing of Nexcess managed wordpress hosting.

Disk Space
15 GB
40 GB
60 GB
100 GB
2 TB
3 TB
4 TB
5 TB
Daily backups
Free Nexcess CDN & Email & SSL
One-Click Staging Site

You can get 2 months for free by choosing a plan for a year.

Pros and Cons:

Wrap-Up: Liquid Web or Nexcess

So far, we have almost seen everything about Liquid Web and Nexcess web hosting.

Have you got an idea of which one to choose?

In my opinion, if you want to start a small business website, blog, or eCommerce website, then I recommend you to choose Nexcess, it is because they have plans especially for these types of websites.

And it will be easy for beginners to start, and most administrative tasks will be performed by Nexcess.

If you are a freelancer, enterprise, or agency, then you can go for Liquid Web hosting without any hesitation.

And it is best suitable for high traffic websites without any doubt. 

When looking at the speed, support, security, both web hosting are performing well.

Now it’s your turn to choose the best-fit hosting for your business.

Both hosting offers a money-back guarantee, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

With one step ahead, Nexcess offers 14 days free trial ( No credit card required )

I hope you enjoyed this article, we have spent lots of time researching and writing this article for you, please consider sharing it with friends and colleagues.

Take care 🎈

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