
The Best Managed WordPress Hosting Convesio Review

Building a website these days is important to grow your business or to reach your potential customers.

No matter how good you are at building websites, if your web hosting is bad, then you will be in trouble for sure,

so, you need to choose top wordpress hosting and high scalable wordpress hosting. Mainly you need to look at features that the hosting provider offers, pricing of web hosting, and some more factors before buying the web hosting. In this article, we are going to see an in-depth review of the best wordpress hosting convesio.

The Best Managed WordPress Hosting Convesio Review

Web hosting focussed mainly on wordpress websites only, the name itself shows that something is special for wordpress websites.

In wordpress hosting, you can’t host Magento, Joomla, or React js based scripts, you are allowed to host wordpress websites only.

Why wordpress, not others?

Because,wordpress is the best content management system(cms), over 40% of websites in the world are powered by wordpress.

With managed wordpress hosting convesio, you will get,

  • Expert support
  • Secured website
  • High speed
  • In-built caching
  • Automated daily backups
  • Advanced features

Quick overview:

Before deep-diving into managed wordpress hosting convesio, let’s take a look at the sneak peek of it.

Based on
The well-built dashboard makes it easier for beginners to make any changes.
Convesio is built by keeping in mind to maximize speed and security, and this results in amazing speed.
Being a managed wordpress hosting, they offer enterprise-grade security features and monitors your website over time.
The main drawback of convesio is pricing, it is quite expensive, foundation plan costs 50$/mo, with that you can install one wordpress website only.
They are providing top-class features to manage and handle high traffic websites, No doubt in this.
The base plan comes with 5Gb of storage.
when you need any help, you can contact them via the slack app, live chat, their response time is excellent.

Managed wordpress hosting convesio:

Convesio is a web hosting provider, It was founded by tom fanelli, who worked for many companies over the years.

Over 40% of websites in the world are built on wordpress.

Tom fanelli decided to build hosting especially for WordPress, it is powered with docker containers and the fastest network to provide high availability of wordpress hosting.

It is a next-generation wordpress platform. Installing a wordpress and auto-scaling a wordpress as easy as possible in just 3 clicks.

Each component in managed wordpress hosting convesio is implemented by keeping in mind to maximize speed and security of the website.

Each site you host on the convesio is backed by a redundant file system, scalable PHP Runtime, database cluster, and self-healing architecture.

Every customer will be in confusion before buying web hosting,

Like shared hosting, or VPS hosting which one to choose.

without knowing the difference between shared and VPS hosting, most people blindly will go for shared hosting

Because it’s low in cost.

So you need to know the difference before buying,

In shared hosting, hundreds of websites will be there in a single server, sharing resources, database.

If any of these websites are hacked or high traffic surge, your website will be in trouble also.


In VPS hosting(dedicated server), one server for one user.

you don’t need to share your server with someone.

Let me tell you this in a simple way, assume server a house, in shared hosting, you need to live with hundreds of unknown people in same house, but in vps hosting, there will be separate house for you.


Even in vps hosting, you may experience single point of failure,


In convesio hosting, they deploy your websites to their own dedicated resources so that you will not experience any performance issues on your website.

Let’s talk about features that convesio providing.

Full review of the Best Managed WordPress Hosting Convesio, features, pros, cons, and covered everything🚀🎉#webhosting #convesio

What’s special in convesio:

  • Easy-to-use Dashboard: Convesio dashboard is well built with a good user experience, you can manage your dashboard on your own. Adding your domain, ssl or changing the nameserver is simple with Convesio, you won’t need to be a tech guy to manage.

  • Deploy WordPress in Under a Minute :You can deploy your website as easily as possible in just under 1minute in a high availability wordpress hosting. you don’t have to worry about load balancers and containers.

  • Free SSL Certificates – Unlike other hosting provider, every plans in convesio comes with free secure sockets layer(SSL) certificates, these are the ones going to protect your websites from not being hacked and to gain customer trust. Google encourages every website owners to move from http(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to https(Hypertext Transfer Protocol secure) and they started use https as ranking factor.

  • Automated Backups – Convesio provides automated backups for your websites, when anything goes wrong like plugins or themes fault. your website will crash, in that situation you don’t need to worry like other web hosting customers, you can simply restore your website(that convesio backed up automatically for you) in a matter of minute. you can schedule your backups also.

  • Dev & Staging – Development server is one, where you are one who is working on a machine, In staging server, where you deploy your website before it goes to production for others to look out for.

  • Built-in Caching – Caching plays a vital role in optimizing a website for   speed, to those who don’t know about caching. It is the process caching or storing your web pages when a user visits you web pages first time, next time the cached or stored version will be served to them, which helps to keep the origin from being overloaded and loads your web page faster. most of the web hosting providers don’t have in built caching, but, convesio has. If your webhosting provider don’t have built-in caching, then you need to spend some bucks to buy wordpress caching plugins like wp rocket. without caching, your website will slow load for sure. so, your website should be enabled for caching.

  • 24 / 7 Expert Support – This is the main thing that attracted me towards managed wordpress hosting convesio, there response time is usually under 5minutes.most web hosting provider don’t provide good support, when you mail them, they take more hours or even to day reply. In some web hosting providers, you need to pay extra money for expert support, but, in convesio, expert support comes with all plans without any extra cost. you can contact them through in-app or via slack.

  • Free Basic Migrations – If you are using any other web hosting and you are planning to move your website to convesio, they are providing free migration. they will assign you a migration expert to move your website and do before and after performance tests to show the difference.

  • Cdn – Convesio partnered with Cloudflare (the leading CDN providers) to configure all of their customer’s websites with Cloudflare global CDN. This comes free for all websites. Cdn stores a cached version of your website in the nearest to your visitor’s location to load your website fast in their browser.

  • High Availability – Most of the WordPress hosting out there has many single points of failure from the web server, to database. But in Convesio, it is designed to eliminate those types of failure points. which ensures performance of your website.

  • Clustered Database – Every WordPress site you host on managed wordpress hosting convesio is powered by multiple MySQL servers to provide high availability wordpress hosting, good uptime and scalable wordpress hosting, you can access your database with phpMyAdmin.

  • Monitoring Your Website – You don’t need to keep an eye on your website all the time, convesio keeps an eye on your website every one minute if anything goes wrong, they engage you to handle any situation.

  • Self-Healing – If your site goes offline at any situation, convesio will instantly re-deploy your container with the help of self healing architecture. these are the essential features for websites to handle more traffic, these types features is not provided in most of the web hosting out there, still those companies are claiming themselves as top wordpress hosting or best hosting for wordpress hosting, that’s not acceptable.

  • Auto-Scaling – Suddenly your website gets lots of traffic because of article you wrote or a demand to buy your product, this sudden in increase in website will lead to website crash. but this, won’t happen in managed wordpress hosting convesio. this is the another excellent feature provided by convesio, if website gets lots of traffic in sudden time, their system will automatically deploy another container to handle the traffic load. It’s all happen automatically, not manually that’s the power of enterprise wordpress hosting.

  •  Convesio for woocommerce – Woocommerce works really well with convesio, with edge caching and Cloudflare together, websites load 239% faster. That means you no longer lose your customers.

How to set up a wordpress website on convesio?

Are you ready to launch your website on convesio?

Let’s go

Click here: It will take you to the homepage of convesio.

Then click start free trial,

Sign up, your credit card information will not be asked while during this process.

Step 1: Launching your first wordpress website on convesio

After signup, you will be taken to the convesio dashboard.

Click create your first site,

convesio hosting setup 1

Click set advanced options

convesio hosting setup 2

Choose location, latest PHP version, database type,wordpress version, and web server type.

Choose a location that is closest to your audience.

After that click deploy, a terminal will open up.

convesio hosting setup 3

This process takes up to 5mins to deploy.

convesio hosting setup 4

Now, click manage

convesio hosting setup 5
  • Site dashboard – click this to configure your website(backup,ssl,domain).
  • Login to wp-admin – to access your WordPress backend.
  • Visit site – to view your live website(frontend).
  • Set site name – change your site name from lengthy one to clear one.
  • Delete site – to delete your website.
Step 2: Adding ssl, domain, backup, caching, and more

Here, you can see the overview of traffic, load balancers IP and disk usage details.

Later, you need these IP address details to point your domain to convesio.

convesio hosting site dashboard

Convesio doesn’t provide domain registration. Buy a domain from Godaddy or namecheap or any other domain provider.

then, click the add domain → paste the domain you bought →  go to your domain provider → add A record and point them to your IP address

convesio hosting domain

Click Add ssl certificate to protect your website.

managed wordpress hosting convesio ssl

Enable automated backup

managed wordpress hosting convesio backup

Here, you can change your php version.

convesio hosting php configuration

Enable autoscaling and set minimum and maximum number of containers.

managed wordpress hosting convesio autoscaling

Enable caching on this page. 

managed wordpress hosting convesio caching

These are important configurations you must do in the managed wordpress hosting convesio.


It’s time to test convesio hosting.

Convesio performance test:

For this testing purpose, imported starter sites from the blocky theme.

Theme I used:

  • Blocksy

Plugins I used:

  • Akismet Anti-Spam
  • Blocksy Companion
  • Stackable
  • WPForms Lite
  • Onesignal
  • Hustle

Pagespeed Insights Results:

95 scores for mobile and 99 scores for desktop with good core web vitals.

convesio hosting speed test 1


convesio hosting speed test 2

Pingdom Tools:

convesio hosting speed test 3

This website managed to score well without configuring CDN, unoptimized images, and without using any speed plugins.

Well, in the upcoming section we will clearly talk about speed and pagespeed optimization services.

Optimization of your website for speed:

Before getting into this section, some results companies before and after moving to convesio.

Prior Host
Before loading Time
After loading time
WP Engine

Web pages load time are very important,

If your website loads slow,

No one pays attention to your website, they simply leave your website, then you will lose traffic and sales of your website, you will lose your valuable customers.

Even google considers pagespeed of the web page as a ranking factor.

Load time is critical to improve your website performance and to rank in google search engine result pages.

Slow load time leads to low sales, conversion and bounce rate.

To decrease the time taken to load your web page,

You need to optimize images, caching, minify css & js, combine css & js, defer js, configure global cdn.

Most web hosting providers doesn’t comes with these features.

In that situation,

You need to buy speed optimization wordpress plugin, image compression plugin separately, these plugins costs around 30$/per month.


With convesio,

You don’t need to buy any plugins, everything comes free with all plans, And one more thing, convesio server supports http/2 protocol, that mean with cloudflare configured your website will load more faster and highly secured.

Many startup company increases their pagespeed scores and significantly decreases load time of at least 40% after moving to convesio.

Websites to test your page load time,

  • Pagespeed insights Google’s own tool, more accurate, my favorite tool to find website performance.
  • Gtmetrix With this tool you can test your websites, based on different locations.
  • Pingdom This tool is not accurate all the time, but helpful one.

Convesio’s pagespeed optimization services:

  • CSS Optimization – It is the process of removing unnecessary css files and optimizing it to eliminate render blocking.
  • JavaScript Optimization – It is the process of removing unnecessary js files and optimizing it to eliminate render blocking.
  • Image Optimization – Putting the images downloaded from the internet directly to your website, it will lead to increase in page size. heavy page size is equal to slow loading web page. convesio decreases the size of your images in the range of 40kb without losing it’s quality.
  • Lazy Loading – It loads your images, whenever the user scrolls down to the image only. It will not load images unnecessarily.
  • Global CDN –  you can configure your website with cloudflare for good speed and security.
  • Minification – Minifies your css and js file to decrease the page size.
  • Compression – Compresses your web page files.
  • Deferral of Resources – It defers js file, js runs in the background.
  • Optimization Support – Convesio team will help you in optimization of your website.

Secured wordpress hosting:

On average 40000 websites are being hacked everyday,

It mostly happens, because of vulnerabilities exploitation in plugins and themes.


This won’t happen in convesio.

Convesio is built keeping in mind to provide best possible secure wordpress hosting,

Each website you host on managed wordpress hosting Convesio is deployed to its own container.

Unlike shared hosting, hundreds of websites on the same server can infect yours. you can perform malware scanning, it can be done automated too.

Convesio provides,

  • automated vulnerability patching,
  • advanced firewall rules,
  • comment spam protection,
  • intelligent threat detection,
  • WAF(web application firewall) access rules(this actually applies a set of rules to an http conversation to cover from common cross-site scripting and sql injection and
  • DDoS mitigation(to protect your server or network from DDoS attacks.

Convesio is also comes with advanced http protocol, country based access rules and malware scanning.

With convesio, you will get 

  • Free Ssl certificates
  • Free Cloudflare cdn
  • Free Daily backups
  • Two factor authentication

With cloudflare configured, you can protect your website even more.

cloudflare free cdn and ssl

Convesio partnered with patchman, steadfast, cloudflare and human presence company to provide next gen best wordpress security.

  • Patchman – It will detect and remove malware and patch vulnerabilities in your website, you don’t need to configure or install it and it has the ability to roll back changes.
  • Human Presence – It will protect comments, forms and Stops data and content being scraped from your website. It removes 99% of malicious bot spams. It is more powerful than Recaptcha, Honeypot or Akismet Anti-Spam.

Our promise to you: if your website is infected we will fix it for free.

And one more important thing, you don’t need to pay any extra bucks for these features. It’s all free on all plans.

Is your wordpress website hacked?

If you switch to convesio hosting, they will assign you an expert to repair hacked website for free.

Just submit a request to them,

They will take of everything and your website start running again within one business day.

Who needs managed wordpress hosting convesio?

Convesio is best suitable for people who are looking for the best hosting for high traffic wordpress websites and do you know, convesio is mainly focused and designed for enterprise needs. convesio offers wordpress hosting solutions only.

With features like self-healing, auto-scaling technology, inbuilt fast caching, automated daily backups, high availability you can focus and grow your business instead of wasting time on sending emails to your hosting providers like “why my website down”, their answer will be “you have reached storage or traffic limit”.

You should choose a web hosting, that should be capable of handling any traffic surges and should offer advanced features, you can expect this in dedicated hosting or cloud hosting not in shared hosting.

Shared hosting isn’t meant for high-traffic websites, they can’t handle any traffic surge or provide features that you need.


Okay, I know you all guys have been waiting for the pricing section. Let’s see, convesio provides 4 types of plans

  1. Foundation – Designed for smaller websites.
  2. Growth – Designed for high traffic websites.
  3. Performance – Designed for ecommerce shops.
  4. Agency –  If you are an agency, then you can go for this plan.

Every plan comes with an essential support package, that consists of,

  • 24 / 7 Expert Support
  • Proactive Monitoring
  • Basic WordPress Troubleshooting
  • Performance Reviews
  • Malware Cleanup
  • Chat / Ticket Support
  • Free Basic Migrations

And performance plan comes with pro support packages, that consists of,

  • Account Manager
  • Priority Response & Turnaround times
  • Advanced WordPress Troubleshooting
  • Chat, Ticket & Private Slack Channel
  • Advanced Speed Optimization
  • DB Optimization
  • Managed Security

You can choose a plan based on traffic surges you are expecting for.

convesio pricing

Pricing is based on usage,

you only need to pay money for usage you used only.

Each and every website can be run in a single or multiple containers, it depends on your needs.


Convesio providing this many features at a low cost,

Still confused,

Give it a try: 30days free trial(no credit card required)

convesio free trial

Looking For Low-Cost Hosting? check this out⚡

Plans starting at 2.95$/month ➡ Go to Bluehost Review

Plans starting at 10$/month ➡ Go to Cloudways Review

Pro and Cons:

It Wouldn’t be a good review, if we haven’t talked about the pros and cons of convesio, let’s see it now!

Good Alternatives To Convesio:

So far we discussed almost everything about convesio and we hope you now have an idea on whether to pick convesio for your business or not.

But, wait!

Convesio is not suitable for all people, why I am saying this is because, although convesio provides ultimate features like speed, security, and availability better than other web-hosting providers.

But, individuals, and some small business owners may feel convesio pricing is highly-priced.

I understand their situation, while starting a new business, they don’t have this much money for sure.

What they can do is start their website by purchasing reasonably priced web hosting and later once their business starts to grow, then they can move to convesio.

To help those people, we listed some good web hosting alternatives to convesio below, these web hosting provides good features and their pricing is reasonable.

Cloudways: 12$/mo

Cloudways is one of the best cloud hosting providers out there, at just 12$ a month, you can start your website hosted in the cloud with awesome speed and features like automated backups, unlimited websites, team management, dedicated firewalls, and more.

And also in Cloudways, you have to option to choose cloud hosting providers and data centers, choose a data center nearest to your audience for a good experience.

As of now, Cloudways provides five different cloud hosting providers are the digital ocean, vultr, Linode, aws, and google cloud.

Cloudways will be the best choice for small businesses and freelancers who wants to create and manage multiple websites for their clients.

Ready to choose your plan? ➡ Go to Cloudways

Want to read more information about Cloudways➡ Go to Cloudways review

Hostinger: 1.99$/month

If you are a blogger and want to start to blog website or simple website, then Hostinger shared hosting plans will be the right choice for you, it provides good features and decent speed that is enough to run a blog.

This website is also hosted on Hostinger business plan and we have been using Hostinger for almost 2 years without any major issues.

Bluehost: 2.95$/month

Other low-budget web hosting in our list, Hostinger and Bluehost are almost similar in features, we tested both web hosting (Us Datacenter), Hostinger performed little good than Bluehost and also the pricing of Hostinger is lower than Bluehost. But, in the Indian region we got the opposite result, Bluehost performed better than Hostinger.

So, the point is if you are looking for us datacenter Hostinger will be the perfect one, else choose Bluehost if your target audience is in India.

Ready to choose your plan? ➡ Go to Bluehost

Want to read more information about Bluehost➡ Go to Bluehost review

Kinsta: 30$/month

Here comes my other favorite web hosting that offers super-fast hosting which is powered by the Google cloud platform and features like Enterprise Level Firewall and DDoS Protection, fastest CPU makes kinsta superior to all other web hosting.

The base plan of Kinsta costs 30$/month, it comes with 10Gb of disk storage, 1 wordpress install, free ssl,cdn, and migration.

Kinsta is best suitable for agencies, small businesses, and enterprises.   

Final thoughts:

Overall Rating:
The Best Managed WordPress Hosting Convesio Review

Take a look at features of convesio like auto-scaling, daily backups, in-built caching, speed, self-healing, expert support. Probably you can’t find any other enterprise wordpress hosting provider or high availability wordpress hosting with features like convesio providing to their customers. It's the best wordpress hosting 2021.

Price: From 50$/per month

Editor's Rating:

To run a business online, a website is essential,

For that, you need to buy the best web hosting.

It’s like a basement of a building. so it should be strong enough.

Take a look at features of convesio like auto-scaling, daily backups, in-built caching, speed, self-healing, expert support.

Probably you can’t find any other enterprise wordpress hosting provider or high availability wordpress hosting with features like convesio providing to their customers.

It’s the best hosting for high-traffic wordpress websites.

More features are coming soon.

Are you still confused?

Try Convesio for free: 30days Free Trial(no credit card required)

After the trial period ends, you can make a decision whether to buy a convesio or not.

I’m sure you will be satisfied with the features of the convesio provides.

I hope you like this article, Don’t forget to share it with your friends and colleagues!

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